As the rainy season is approaching, the interaction with snakes is about to increase for everyone. But as it is not desirable for most of us, a simple few steps could help us avoid them altogether. It will also save many lives of both men and snakes.
Conflicts with snakes mainly happen at two places, inside the house and outside the house. Let us first understand why snakes enter houses. Snakes enter mainly for two reasons, to hunt and to take shelter. Snakes often enter houses to hunt for rats, mice and toads that take refuse in our houses. Another reason is taking shelter. Snakes, like other reptiles go into hibernation, i.e. a long period of inactivity, for 2-3 months in the winter season. So they look for places where they can safely hibernate and keep out from the winter chill. The same thing happens in summer too. To beat the heat they try to find a cool shaded place to aestivate. In nature snakes seek out places like underground tunnels, under fallen trees or brunches, under big stones etc. human homes offer perfect alternatives of these in the form of cluttered corners, unused rooms, under the stairs, behind the almirah etc.

And out side the house conflicts happen when people accidentally step on them or go near them. Snakes generally hunt in the morning and evening when the temperature of the atmosphere is moderate. In the noon, when the temperature is high snakes take rest under dry leaves, under fallen logs, inside holes in tree trunks, under the exposed roots etc.
So if we sum up the points, it will go like these.
- Free our homes from rats and toads by using poison, traps, hand picking etc.
- Clean the house and neighborhood and see that no garbage is staying for too long like pile of bricks, heap of firewood etc.
- Snakes don’t like the smell of carbolic acid, bleaching powder etc. so using these around houses can reduce incoming of snakes.
- People generally get bitten at night because they don’t see the snake in dark and step on it accidentally. So using a flashlight in snake infested areas in the night will reduce snake bite.
- Generally people get bitten on the foot. So using a ankle high shoe can reduce snake bite also.
- As snakes take rest under exposed tree roots, under heap of dry leaves etc, we should be careful when passing them or stepping on them.
- In the harvesting season snakes gather around the fields to hunt rats because rats gather in great numbers to collect food grain. So be careful when roaming in the field especially in the harvesting season.
- Snakes generally bite only when it is cornered. So if you accidentally come near a snake, give it room to escape and it will escape at the first chance.
- Most ground dwelling snakes don’t have very good eyesight; they feel our presence through vibration on ground. So in front of a snake, if we stay still, it wont be able to recognise our presence and eventually it will go.
- Snakes like the warmth of our body and blankets and hide in our beds. As a result, many people get bitten while they are sleeping and if the bite is from a Krait, you wont even feel the bite. So always check the carefully before going to bed and use a mosquito net.

The points are very interesting & useful too.
ReplyDeleteNice pic of an Ahetulla biting the hand - nice snake.
ReplyDeleteOn the subject at hand however if a snake shows and ruins your party, get the horses and everyone else out of the way! Best to call a reptile handler to deal with the problem.
All the best